Author: Yury Rusinovich
Deployment Date: 2024-06-28 13:58:28
Predict the probability of getting varicose veins on your legs based on your biometric data and the geographic region where you live. Find the gravity field of your region on this world map using the scale below the map. Then, fill in the fields with gravity (mGal), your age, gender, and body mass index, and press the "Predict" button. The chance of getting varicose veins will be displayed as a percentage (%). Change the parameters to see whether age or body dimensions influence the probability of getting varicose veins. This predictive model is built on the research paper listed in the references.
Deployment Date: 2024-10-01 08:29:15
Predict the probability of Amputation, Salvage, bias with . Simply fill the fields and press the predict button.
Deployment Date: 2024-10-01 09:36:27
Predict the probability of Amputation, Salvage, bias with . Simply fill the fields and press the predict button.
Deployment Date: 2024-10-01 12:16:01
Predict the probability of Major Amp, Minor Amp, Salvage with . Simply fill the fields and press the predict button.
Deployment Date: 2024-10-01 13:33:18
Predict the probability of Amputation, Salvage, bias with . Simply fill the fields and press the predict button.