ML in Health Science

Web3 Academic Publisher

Recently Published Original Projects:

media platform Xavatar
Media, educational, and therapeutic platform Xavatar specializes in immersive virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) content, as well as seamless interconnectivity across various devices such...
news platform @AI_4_Healthcare
@AI_4_Healthcare initiative, founded by Walter Robinson, emerges as a original project aimed at democratizing knowledge about AI's role in healthcare. It summarizes and presents links to data—incl...

Explore Our Workflow:

Why publish with us? Though crafting a manuscript may appear challenging, the benefits are significant:

1. We provide a fresh perspective on your project.

2. We broaden your network, connecting you with like-minded peers.

3. We enhance the visibility of your work, which can attract investors.

4. Most importantly, we showcase your project's independent evaluation, aligning with the recommendations of official authorities.


Begin your academic journey with us. We promise it will be an unforgettable adventure that you will greatly benefit from. Use the following link to start the registration process: Register as an Author

You can craft your paper using one of these methods:

Method 1: Describe your project for yourself using the following structure:

1. Project Name: Specify the title of your project.

2. Creator Team: List the members involved in the project.

3. Project URL: Provide a link to your project if it exists online.

4. Project Aim: Describe the objectives.

5. Comparison: Discuss similar projects and explain how yours differs or excels.

6. Methodology: Elaborate on how your project functions.

7. Performance: Detail the metrics of your project.

8. Results: Summarize the outcomes you have achieved.

9. Limitations: Acknowledge your challenges.

10. Requirements: Detail the needs essential for advancing your project.

11. Conclusion: Highlight the significance of your project to humanity.

Method 2: Contact us, and we will create a personalized online survey for you based on the information available on your homepage.

Method 3: Use our universal step-by-step Manuscript Self-Creator

Once your paper is ready, submit it to the journal by using the following link: Submit

An independent peer reviewer will provide you with feedback based on the ML in Health Science recommendations for human-centered projects:

If your project is accepted by the editor, it will be assigned a DOI for individual referencing, published in our journal, and listed on platforms such as WorldCat, ORCID, ResearchGate, R Discovery, etc.

As the next step, we transfer the MLHS token to the Web3 Wallet of the corresponding author and reviewer.


The number of tokens transferred to the author equals the percentage of the project's alignment with the ML in Health Science recommendations.


The tokens transferred to the reviewer signify our appreciation

After blockchain verification, your project will be included in the repository:

Web3 Certificate: Human-Centered Project


We will generate a personal link to your Certificate, serving as an independent audit and hybrid identifier (DOI and blockchain) for your project.

Provide us with your feedback through our Web3 Donation Wallet:

Alternatively, support us by owning the MLHS Token.

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