
Varicose Veins Prediction

Predict the probability of getting varicose veins on your legs based on your biometric data and the geographic region where you live. Find the gravity field of your region on this world map using the scale below the map. Then, fill in the fields with gravity (mGal), your age, gender, and body mass index, and press the "Predict" button. The chance of getting varicose veins will be displayed as a percentage (%). Change the parameters to see whether age or body dimensions influence the probability of getting varicose veins. This predictive model is built on the research paper listed in the references.

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Author: Yury Rusinovich
Email: info@mlhs.ink
Deployment Date: 2024-06-28 13:58:28
Performance and Training Settings:
Training Loss: 0.8933553695678711
Validation Loss: 0.6853840351104736
Training MAE: 0.647826075553894
Validation MAE: 0.6809635162353516
R2 Score: 0.9987478920859331
Data Counts (n): 81
Outcome: Varicose % (Outcome): Mean = 23.455, SD = 11.972
Predictors (n): Gravity of the region (mGal): Mean = 15.481, SD = 14.356, p-Value = 0.001; Age in years: Mean = 41.228, SD = 10.859, p-Value = 0; Gender (0=male, 100=female): Mean = 60.06, SD = 27.934, p-Value = 0.657; Body mass index ( kg/m²): Mean = 26.058, SD = 1.491, p-Value = 0.203
L2 Regularization: 0.01
Number of Epochs: 389
Initial Learning Rate: 0.001
Batch Size: 32

Support this research. Web3 Wallet of the Author: 0x481985ac0538fabfc5cec6ad7ff29d4036ec013f

This Machine Learning model could be downloaded and retrained by adding new data on the ML in Health Science Platform in the Sustainable Data Classifier

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