open-source, collaborative framework designed to collect, share, and preserve forever in the blockchain the latest trends in AI vision applied to medical vascular imaging. Registered in PROSPERO under ID CRD42024525402 and further detailed in the 📝 research paper
Timestamp | Username | TxHash | Year | CV Utilization | Dataset | Performance | CV Tools | URL/DOI |
2025-02-05 14:53:43 | eriho | 0xc744c8... | 2024 | PAD classification | 400 angiograms | Precision 0.86 | AutoML Vertex AI | link |
2025-02-05 14:52:23 | eriho | 0x34650c... | 2024 | AAA EVAR landing zone segmentation | 370 angiograms | Accuracy>0.97 | U-Net | link |
2025-02-05 14:36:34 | eriho | 0x465ff9... | 2024 | Aorta automatic measurements | 350 CTA | DSC>0.94 | ARVA, U-Net | link |
2025-02-05 14:21:41 | eriho | 0x8ac4af... | 2024 | AAA segmentation and endoleak recognition | 220 CT cases | Accuracy>0.77, AUC>0.77 | Custom neural network, AdaBoost, bagging, decision trees, support-vector, logistic regression, random forest, linear and quadratic discriminant analysis | link |
2025-02-05 13:39:34 | eriho | 0xcde460... | 2023 | PAD recognition | 50 MR scans | Accuracy 0.8 | Custom: GLCM, support-vector, logistic regression, XGBoost | link |
2025-02-05 13:37:07 | eriho | 0x14c5ed... | 2023 | Carotid artery disease classification | 40 MR scans | Accuracy 0.7, AUC 0.7 | Custom neural network, support-vector, logistic regression | link |
2025-02-05 13:34:58 | eriho | 0x351f1d... | 2023 | Carotid artery segmentation and 3D Reconstruction | 5 B-mode ultrasound scans | DSC 0.94 | MultiResUNet, Tensorflow | link |
2025-02-05 13:31:30 | eriho | 0x6f1191... | 2023 | Carotid artery disease recognition and classification | 160 B-mode ultrasound scans | Accuracy> 0.9 | Tensorflow, VGG16 | link |
2025-02-05 13:28:38 | eriho | 0xa2251b... | 2023 | Aorta automatic measurements | 220 scans CT and CTA | NN | AI-Rad Companion | link |
2025-02-05 13:22:34 | eriho | 0x328c24... | 2023 | AAA segmentation and growth prediction | 240 scans low dose CT | AUC 0.92 | Simpleware ScanIP, Extra Trees Scikit-learn | link |
2025-02-05 13:18:09 | eriho | 0x1ddebe... | 2023 | AAA segmentation and automatic mesurements | 40 scans CTA | Accuracy 0.97 | U-Net, Caffe, DetectNet, skeletonization, VMTK | link |
2025-02-05 13:15:20 | eriho | 0x414510... | 2023 | AAA lumen segmentation | 70 scans CTA | DSC 0.82 | (CAC)U-Net | link |
2025-02-05 13:08:51 | eriho | 0x41c07f... | 2023 | AAA recognition | 1500 scans or 96000 images CTA | F1 score>0.75 | YOLO | link |
2025-02-05 13:05:28 | eriho | 0xba5219... | 2023 | AAA stent graft segmentation | 50 cases DSA | DSC 0.95 | U-Net, MONAI | link |
2025-02-05 13:03:36 | eriho | 0xf25151... | 2022 | PAD recognition | 600 PW Doppler waveforms | Accuracy 0.88 AUC 0.92 | Custom: R digitalize, k-Nearest Neighbors, multiscale wavelet variance, long short-term memory, support-vector, logistic regression | link |
2025-02-05 12:56:04 | eriho | 0xa48e8d... | 2022 | PAD recognition | 3500 cases CW Doppler waveforms | Accuracy 0.93, AUC 0.94 | Tensorflow, InceptionV4 | link |
2025-02-05 12:48:44 | eriho | 0x9cd9b3... | 2022 | AAA post EVAR automatic measurements | 50 scans CTA | DSC 0.95 | PRAEVAorta, U-Net | link |
2025-02-05 12:45:46 | eriho | 0xe673a7... | 2022 | AAA automatic measurements | 30 scans CTA | NN | ACWE, U-Net, Tensorflow | link |
2025-02-05 12:42:46 | eriho | 0x975e82... | 2022 | AAA segmentation and endoleak prediction | 100 cases CTA | AUC 0.9 | PyRadiomics, k-Nearest Neighbors, support-vector, R | link |
2025-02-05 12:21:33 | eriho | 0x41cb13... | 2022 | AAA segmentation and wall stress calculation | 450 images CTA | Accuracy 0.99 | U-Net, Tensorflow | link |
2025-02-05 12:15:11 | eriho | 0xba0f1a... | 2021 | Iliac vein compression recognition | 700 B-mode ultrasound scans | Accuracy>0.75 | YOLO, Keras | link |
2025-02-05 12:10:01 | eriho | 0xfd091b... | 2021 | Aorta automatic measurements | 550 scans CTA | NN | V-Net, minimal path, ARVA | link |
2025-02-04 11:01:19 | eriho | 0x285e2e... | 2021 | Aorta automatic measurements | 40 scans CTA | NN | AI-Rad Companion | link |
2025-02-04 10:59:00 | eriho | 0xd85069... | 2021 | Aorta automatic measurements | 400 scans CTA | NN | AI-Rad Companion | link |
2025-02-04 10:56:53 | eriho | 0x5d8347... | 2021 | AAA detection | 190 scans CTA | Accuracy 0.86 | 3D ResNet, Tensorflow | link |
2025-02-04 10:55:20 | eriho | 0x6096b1... | 2021 | Aortic automatic measurements | 3050 scans CTA | DSC>0.96 | U-Net, EfficientNet, PyTorch | link |
2025-02-04 12:59:12 | eriho | 0x548e7e... | 2020 | PAD recognition | Synthetic data of pulse waveforms | Accuracy>0.9, AUC 0.99 | PyTorch | link |
2025-02-04 10:51:46 | eriho | 0xa525d3... | 2020 | Aortic thrombus detection and segmentation | 100 scans CTA | DSC 0.95 | PRAEVAorta, U-Net, Tensorflow | link |
2025-02-04 10:49:37 | eriho | 0x39df74... | 2020 | Aortic lumen segmentation | 80 scans CTA | DSC>0.9 | U-Net | link |
2025-02-04 10:45:41 | eriho | 0x09dde2... | 2020 | AAA endoleak detection | 130 scans CTA | Accuracy 0.89 | RetinaNet, ResNet-50, U-Net | link |
2025-02-05 07:57:32 | eriho | 0xc53c92... | 2019 | Carotid disease classification | 500 B-mode ultrasound scans | Accuracy 0.89 | TensorFlow | link |
2025-02-04 10:37:01 | eriho | 0xb72c16... | 2019 | Popliteal and carotid artery detection and segmentation | 120 cases 3700 MR slices | DSC 0.82 | YOLO | link |
2025-02-04 10:32:17 | eriho | 0xae8b8c... | 2019 | AAA detection and segmentation | 10 cases CT and CTA | Accuracy 0.97 | Caffe, OpenCV | link |
2025-02-04 10:20:17 | eriho | 0xe9dbcc... | 2019 | AAA, thrombus, calcification detection and segmentation | 40 scans CTA | DSC>0.82 | ACWE, OpenCV | link |
2025-02-04 10:16:06 | eriho | 0x4754c4... | 2018 | AAA stent graft segmentation | 60 angiograms, X-Ray | DSC>0.89 | U-Net, TensorFlow | link |
2025-02-04 09:55:53 | eriho | 0x35de05... | 2018 | Aortic thrombus detection and segmentation | 10 scans CTA | DSC 0.82 | Caffe, DetectNet | link |
2025-02-04 09:53:24 | eriho | 0xa0b0e0... | 2018 | AAA segmentation | 80000 CTA patches 90000 MR patches | Accuracy>0.98 | Cross-Net Fusion-Net | link |
2025-02-05 08:33:04 | eriho | 0xdcd9fb... | 2016 | Carotid disease recognition and lumen segmentation | 60 B-mode ultrasound scans | NN | Extreme machine learning | link |
2025-02-04 09:18:00 | eriho | 0xa204f6... | 2013 | AAA semiautomatic lumen centerline | 60 scans CTA | Accuracy>0.91. AUC 0.87 | AdaBoost and manual segmentation | link |
2025-02-04 07:19:31 | eriho | 0xc5ea07... | 2005 | Aortic thrombus segmentation | 70 scans CTA (each 125 slices) | DSC equivalent 0.95 | k-Nearest Neighbors | link |
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