ML in Health Science
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Deploy web and webAI applications beyond classic academic papers.
Latest Web Apps:
Text Generation
Image Patching & Segmentation
Computer vision utilizes numerical color values in the RGB scale for image preprocessing, resulting in 255 x 255 x 255 possible color variants for each pixel. This complexity can make the analysis of high-resolution images challenging. Dividing image...
Smartphone Camera for Angiographic Computer Vision
This Web AI app is a computer vision tool for classifying femoropopliteal angiograms based on the FP GLASS classification, as detailed in the accompanying article. For comprehensive guidance, please refer to the 'How to Use' section and the r...
Limb Salvage Prediction
The computer vision model provides the ability to predict the probability of lower limb salvage or loss in peripheral artery disease patients using pedal angiograms (DSA) in sagittal view. Link to the APP
Varicose Veins Prediction
Predict the probability of getting varicose veins on your legs based on your biometric data and the geographic region where you live. Simply click on this world map at your location. Then, fill in the fields with your age, gender, and body mass index...
World Map Overlay: Cancer Incidence and Earth Emissivity
This web app overlays GLOBOCAN cancer incidence data with NASA's Earth emissivity maps to explore the potential association between chronic infrared exposure from Earth's emissivity and overall cancer incidence rates. For more information, pl...